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Motivational Interviewing Deliberate Practice





Jennifer Knapp Manuel



In this video Jennifer K. Manuel supervises a series of role-playing scenarios in which two trainees take turns acting as client and therapist in exercises to improve their clinical practice. Dr. Manuel guides the trainees through the application of motivation interviewing therapy techniques and skills such as complex reflections, eliciting talk change, and double-sided reflections.

Motivational interviewing is a client-centered, directive method for eliciting intrinsic motivation to change by exploring and resolving a person's ambivalence to change. This nonjudgmental, nonconfrontational interviewing style aims to minimize a patient's resistance and build an interaction with patients so they feel comfortable discussing their problem behavior. In Motivational Interviewing Deliberate Practice, Jennifer K. Manuel supervises a series of role-playing scenarios in which two trainees take turns acting as client and therapist in exercises to improve their clinical practice. Dr. Manuel guides the trainees through the application of motivation interviewing therapy techniques and skills such as complex reflections, eliciting talk change, and double-sided reflections. Host Alexandre Vaz in turn provides feedback to Dr. Manuel and the trainees on their use of deliberate practice in these exercises. This useful demonstration is framed by an informative discussion with the host about how deliberate practice is used in learning and improving motivational interviewing skills. The program also includes a bonus material section which consists of short videos of deliberate practice prompts for viewer use.

The Deliberate Practice Video Series presents various renowned psychologists and their trainees performing experiential exercises to learn and improve clinical skills. Deliberate practice is a rigorous training method that involves repeated behavioral rehearsal and simulation-based learning to improve therapy techniques. Designed for clinical training and continuing education, this video series will provide a tool for viewers to observe and apply deliberate practice to teaching their students or to improve their own performance.




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